
Unions have shaped and continue to secure significant improvements for their Members and society at large. They also come under increasing public and legislative scrutiny. With over 10 years experience working for Unions in industrial officer and in senior in house legal roles WorkLawyers can assist Unions in a wide range of ways:

  • By assisting Unions to meet temporary work surges and staff shortages. We can deliver all the services Unions typically provide including advising Members of their lawful rights, to campaigning advice to litigation and advocacy for a range of Member’s issues including: Dispute Resolution, Unfair Dismissal, Adverse Action and Stop Bullying Orders.

  • Dealing with Member v Member disputes when the Union needs a competent person to represent the interests of one Member.
  • Internal and external Agreement making including Good Faith Bargaining and Scope Order applications and once they’re done, taking care of getting an Agreement approved by the Fair Work Commission.

Dealing with s418 Stop Industrial Orders and Protected Industrial Action Ballots and the Fair Work Ombudsman.

Representing Unions in dealings with the Registered Organisations Commission and the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

These are just some of the services that WorkLawyers offers. Contact us to start the process of fixing your issues at work.

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